EBBA2 data on distribution and abundance are available for further use in research and conservation under some terms and conditions of use. The EBBA2 data policy was agreed among national partners and depending on type of the data the particular conditions differ. According to the principles agreed, some data are open access while some requests require the acceptance of the EBCC. The agreement of the EBBA2 community, including issues about potential co-authorship in scientific papers can be downloaded here.Request EBBA2 data.


EBBA2 and EBBA1 data can be compared but the information on changes in distribution between these two periods should ideally not be obtained by directly overlaying the EBBA1 and EBBA2 data sets. Information on the intensity and characteristics of the surveys in each period should be included as much as possible to determine robust comparisons in species distributions. Thus, we strongly recommend to use the EBBA1-EBBA2 change dataset, in which data has been managed to minimise these problems (see Methodology). Request EBBA2 data.


EBBA1 and EBBA2 focussed on the European distribution of breeding birds in the 1980s and 2010s, respectively. If you are interested in yearly population changes and trends, please consider using data from the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring (PECBMS) project. If you are interested in spatial patterns throughout the year, please consider data from EuroBirdPortal (EBP).