The EBCC Atlas Steering Committee (ASC), a subgroup of the Board, started to develop the project in 2011. In 2012 a coordination team consisting of Sergi Herrando from the Catalan Ornithological Institute (ICO) and Petr Voříšek from the Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO), under the supervision of Verena Keller from the Swiss Ornithological Institute (SOI) as chair of the ASC, was set up. This centralised organisation worked in the 2010s together with national partners and many other collaborators to make EBBA2 happen.
The EBBA2 network included partners from 48 countries. The different situations across Europe required different approaches with regard to methodology and communication. General guidelines on methodology, data compilation and data transmission were discussed with national coordinators before being agreed and adopted.
The EBBA2 project was developed step by step with regard to funding. Many contributions were provided as in-kind funding by EBCC partner organisations. European project coordination was also partly funded by the organisations involved, but was supported to a larger extent by external funding from charitable foundations, in particular the MAVA Foundation, as well as governmental bodies, ornithological societies and private donors. A species sponsorship scheme on the EBBA2 website allowed societies and individuals to support the project with smaller contributions. Some of the artists providing illustrations also helped to raise funds for EBBA2 by selling their artwork and sharing their income with EBCC.
Species donors
- Abel Julien
- Aenne Sinram
- Agnes Korte-Gaßling
- Aivars Mednis
- Alberts Keišs
- Aleksi Lehikoinen
- Alena Klvaňová
- Alex Grendelmeier
- Alexander Ludolph (Dr)
- Allan Roy Coppack
- Alli Tynjälä
- Andreas Federschmidt
- Andreas Leistikow (Dr)
- Andreas Schoellhorn, Switzerland
- Andrew Lipczynski and family
- André Weiss
- Angeles Valdivieso & Juan Gonzalez-Valdivieso
- Angelika Meister, Klaus Nottmeyer
- Anna Bracher-Keller, Switzerland
- Anna Gamero
- Anna Stefanie Blümer
- Annemarie Jöhr, Michel Jaccard
- Anny Anselin
- Antoine Derouaux
- Army Ornithological Society
- Arnaud Barras
- Astrid Charchulla
- Atlas III, BirdLife Denmark
- Audouin Birding Tours
- Barbara Helm, in memory of Eberhard Gwinner
- Beatrice und Daniel Schertenleib
- Beatrix Krause
- Benedikt Hillebrandt
- Berkshire Ornithological Club
- Bernd Ewert
- Bernd Koop
- Bernhard Engfeld
- Beryl and David Wilson
- Bird Brain UK Limited
- BirdLife Switzerland
- Birders from Brno, Czech Republic
- Birger Reibisch
- Birgit Blümer
- Bob Dawson
- Buchet Alexia
- CEPOB - Centre d'Etude et de Protection des Oiseaux de Bienne et environs
- Carola
- Carole Niffenegger
- Chair IWSG
- Charles van Rees (Dr)
- Chris van Turnhout
- Christian Schano
- Christina Ieronymidou, BirdLife Cyprus
- Christine Kowallik
- Christoph Braunberger
- Christoph Gaßling
- Christoph Klopfenstein
- Christophe Sahli
- Claudia Mueller
- Corinna Langebrake
- Crossbill Guides Foundation
- Dan Chamberlain
- Danae Portolou
- Daniel Ritter (Dr)
- Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, Řstjylland
- David Noble
- David Parker
- David Selle
- David Watts - United KIngdom
- Dawn Balmer & Peter Wilson
- Delta Birding Festival, Conservation Projects
- Detlef Wucherpfennig & Bärbel Wurster
- Diana Höhlig
- Dieter Thomas Tietze
- Dipl.-Bio. Jann Wübbenhorst
- Dipl.-Geogr. Udo Hinz
- Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steinmann
- Dora Zarzavatsaki
- Dragica Kipson
- Dušan Vainer
- Dörte Binckebanck
- Edith Walter
- Eichsädt (Dr), Meiersberg OAMV
- Elena Milanesi
- Elias Selle
- Elisabeth Sänger-Feindt (Dr) & Josef Feindt
- Elliot Dowding
- Erna Blümer (Dr)
- Ethelbert Babl (LBV)
- European Snowfinch group
- Eva Maria Blümel
- Eve Tigwell Consultancy Ltd
- FG Ornithologie und Vogelschutz Merseburg e.V.
- Fabio Saporetti
- Filiep T'jollyn
- Frank Hessing
- Frank Machnow
- François Estoppey
- Frauke Weihofen
- Fritz Sperling
- Gerard Bota Cabau
- Gerda Gaßling
- Gerhard "Seisi" Seisenbacher
- Gernant Magnin
- Goetz Rheinwald
- Gower Ornithological Society
- Graham Jones
- Great Reed Warbler Research Group from Institute of Vertebrate Biology, ASCR, Brno
- Hanna Kerstin Sofia Holmstrand
- Hans Meltofte
- Hans Märki, Switzerland
- Hans-Günther Bauer, Germany
- Hans-Josef Gaßling
- Harald Farkaschovsky
- Harald Jacoby
- Hayley Douglas & Hannah Riley, Tag-n-Track LBB Gulls, Scotland
- Heidemarie Eichstädt
- Heidi Björklund & Jari Valkama, Common birds of prey monitoring, Finland
- Heinz Wegenaer
- Helmut Donath
- Henk Strietman
- Henrik Werge / Werge Photography
- Herefordshire Ornithological Club
- Herts Bird Club
- Holýšovský ornitologický klub
- I. Schauer
- IGS Interessengemeinschaft Sperber
- Ian Francis
- Ian M Spence
- Ida & Jonna Guse
- In memory of Julian G Greenwood
- Irene Poerschke
- Irene und Werner Eikhorst
- Isabel dos Santos Simoes
- Ivan Mikšík
- Jacob Gonzalez-Solis, Universitat de Barcelona
- Jacques Bultot
- Jacques Laesser
- Jakub Vlček
- Jan Joost Bakhuizen
- Jan Peter Hansen
- Jan-Åke Nilsson
- Jana Herzschuh
- Jana Nácarová
- Jana Škorpilová
- Jason und Stefan Bosch
- Javier Lazaro Tapia
- Jean-Luc Brahier
- Jean-Luc Zollinger
- Jean-Philippe Siblet
- Jeff Kirby, Just Ecology, UK
- Jeremy J D Greenwood
- Jerry Lewis
- Jiří Flousek, Czech Society for Ornithology
- Joachim Bayer
- Joachim Blocher
- Joan New
- Jochen Schäufele
- Joe O'Hanlon
- Johann Hegelbach, Zurich
- Johanna E. Winkelman
- Johannes Melter (Dr)
- Johannes Wahl
- Johannes, Elina und Malin Grüneberg
- Jonas F Grahn
- Jonas Gaßling
- Juan Gallego-Zamorano
- Justin Walker, Thetford, UK
- Justus Maierhofer
- Jörg Hadasch
- Jörg Liesen
- Jürg Rohner, Switzerland
- Kai Gedeon (Dr)
- Kamil Čihák
- Karel Ševčík
- Karen Mielke-Sommerburg
- Karl Wilhelm Beichert (Dr)
- Karl-Heinz Gaßling
- Karl-Heinz Nagel
- Katarina Varga & Stefan Werner
- Katha Tränkle
- Katrin Zickendraht
- Keith R J Ballantyne
- Klaus Kreiser
- Konrad Lindemann
- Konstantin Kreiser
- Kurt Bollmann
- Ladina Projer
- Lasse Braae
- Laura Bosco
- Leivur Janus Hansen
- Libor Praus
- Lisa Coppack
- Lorenzo Milanesi
- Luc Schifferli, Switzerland
- Lucia Ritter
- Luis Langfeld
- Lukas Jenni
- M J Marsh
- Mailin Sudfeldt
- Manfred Röhlen
- Marc Kéry
- Marcel & André Hospers, Erika Slot; Groningen & Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Marco Zimmermann
- Margarete Klinkmüller
- Margarete Thekla Siering
- Mari Pihlajaniemi
- Maria Calero Riestra
- Marianne Spranger
- Marina Kipson
- Mark Eaton (Dr)
- Mark Holling
- Markus Berset
- Markus Jais
- Marlies Korth
- Marta and Vojtěch Kotecký
- Martin Grüebler
- Martin Strnad
- Martin Tomáš
- Martin Šálek (Ochrana sýčka v ČR)
- Martina Nacházelová
- Marty Kerrane from Ireland
- Martí Franch
- Matia Haďm Muller
- Matthias Tschumi
- Max Steinmetz
- Media Natur
- Merlin Ringing Supplies
- Michael Furrer
- Michael Schmolz
- Michael Widmer
- Michael Widmer, Switzerland
- Michal Maňas
- Michel Antoniazza, Switzerland
- Michel Devort
- Mike Vandeperre
- Milena Svobodová
- Míra Horák, Bílina
- Natur- und Vogelschutzverein
- Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Bezirk Affoltern (NVBA)
- Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Lauchetal, Switzerland
- Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Wasseramsel Innerschwyz
- Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Zürich-Altstetten
- Naturschutz Wädenswil, Switzerland
- Naturschutzverein Beringen Corvus
- Naturschutzverein Bülach
- Neil & Elizabeth Moran
- Neil Manthorpe
- Nele Markones
- Nicola Crockford & William Sutherland
- Niklaus Zbinden
- Nils Anthes
- Nils Blümer (Dr)
- Nils Guse
- Nils Warnock
- Nina O'Hanlon
- Norman Elkins
- North Wales Little Tern Group
- Nynke Schulp
- Oldřich Bušek
- Ole Osterman
- Ole P. Ostermann, a common gift of my former EC-JRC colleagues
- Oliver Conz (HGON)
- Oskars Keišs
- Patric Lorgé
- Paul Ingold
- Paul Mosimann-Kampe
- Paweł Staniucha
- Peter Gleisenstein
- Peter Herkenrath
- Peter Jones
- Peter Knaus
- Peter Lange
- Peter Samas
- Peter Südbeck
- Peter W.W. Lurz (Dr) & Stefan Bosch (Dr)
- Peter Wiprächtiger
- Peter-Paul Boermans and Aleid Offerhaus
- Petr Podzemný
- Petr Procházka
- Petr Voříšek
- Petra Honegger
- Petra Jensen
- Pierre & Eliane Beaud, Switzerland
- Prof Steve Ormerod
- Radka and Jiří Reif from Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Rahel Sudfeldt
- Rainer Dröschmeister
- Rainer Ertel (Dr)
- Ralf Joest (Dr)
- Rare Bird Alert
- Rob Hughes
- Rob Pople (Dr)
- Robert Ekblom
- Robert Tüllinghoff
- Roger Dickey
- Ruedi Nager
- Rutger Feller
- Ruud Foppen
- SCOPS - Damián Ibáñez
- SEO/BirdLife
- Sabine Herzog
- Samuel Keller
- Sandra Kemp
- Santi Mañosa
- Sara McMahon
- Scott Petrek (@ScottoftheMarsh)
- Sergi Herrando
- Shane Enright - shorebird fan and member of IWSG
- Sigrid Grulke
- Sjoerd Dirksen Ecology
- Sonja Carolin Blümer
- Staša Ritter (Dr)
- Stefan Bandelin
- Stefan Bosch (Dr), Sternenfels, Germany
- Stefan Fischer and Henrik Watzke
- Stefan Stübing
- Stefan Wolff
- Stefano Canessa
- Steffen Gysel
- Stephanie Kimsey
- Susanne Jähnig (Dr)
- Sussex Ornithological Society
- Sven Merkelbach
- Sverre Lundemo
- Szabolcs Kókay
- Tamara Emmenegger
- Tasso Schikore
- The Friends of the Barnacle Goose
- The Kilpisjärvi waterbird monitoring expedition
- Theunis Piersma
- Thomas Alerstam
- Thomas Hofmann
- Thomas Krumenacker
- Thomas Sattler
- Thorben Gaßling
- Tim Coppack (Dr)
- Tobias Salathe Stork Switzerland
- Tomáš Brinke
- Tomáš Grim, Palacky University, Czech Republic
- Tomáš Růžička
- Tora Benzeyen
- Torsten Langgemach (Dr)
- Udo Hinz
- Udo Kolbe
- Ulrich Dorka
- Ulrich Haese
- Ulrich Mahler
- Undine Gaßling
- Ute Bartels
- Ute Birgi
- Vera Sofie Blümer
- Verena Keller
- Verschönerungs- und Vogelschutzverein Rünenberg (VVR)
- Vladimír Mikule, Czech Republic
- Vlasta Škorpíková
- Vlaďka Sládečková
- Václav Beran
- Véronique Bouquelle
- Werner and Dorothy Suter
- Wiebke Schäfer
- Willem Witvliet, Baden, Switzerland
- Willibrord Schuurman Olst
- Winfried Nachtigall (Dr)
- Wolfgang Mädlow
- Yellowhammer Dialects research group, Prague, Czech Republic
- Zdeněk Vermouzek
- Åke Lindström
- Ökologisches Planungsbüro Darmstadt