National coordinators, data providers and other key supporters
National coordinator: Clara Pladevall¹
¹Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra (CENMA)

Photo by Clara Pladevall
National data sources contributing to EBBA2
Seguiment dels ocells comuns a Andorra (SOCA) – Institut d’Estudis Andorrans
National coordinators would acknowledge the work done by fieldworkers and contributors as: Eduard Boldú, Andreu Canut, Mario Chimenea, Roger Curiel, Jordi Dalmau – Aubèrria, Joan Carles Garcia, Javier Gómez, Jordi Iranzo, Laia Martínez, Ann Matschke, Jordi Nicolau – BIOCOM, Sergi Riba, Cristina Pérez, Teresa Ros, Jose Antonio Sànchez, Eric Sylvestre, Joan Tatjé, Jordi Tena, Núria Trench and Gerardo Vizmanos. We would like to acknowledge public institutions too, as Cos de Banders d’Andorra and Environmental Department of Andorra Government.