
National coordinators, data providers and other key supporters

National coordinators

Taulant Bino¹


Taulant Bino, e-mail:

Main data providers

Erald Xeka¹, Tibor Mikuška², Adrian Tomik², Stephan Ernst³, Mirjan Topi⁴

¹Abanian Ornithological Society, ²Croatian Society for Protection of Birds and Nature, ³Klingenthal, Germany, ⁴Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania

Other key supporters

H. Stark, R. Morgen, D. Horal, V. Škorpíková, T. Bělka

Landscape from Prespa National Park. Photo by Mirjan Topi

National data sources contributing to EBBA2


  • Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., Dyulgerova, S., Topi, M., Lleshi, R. & Nikolov, S.C. (2016) State and Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna in Key Biodiversity Area of Narta Lagoon, Albania 2016. Technical report under the CEPF project Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 40 p.
  • Dyulgerova, S., D. Gradinarov, Gerogieva, R., Iliev, M., Mladenov, V., Saliaj, O., Topi, M., Nikolov, S. (2016). Breeding and migrating avifauna in the key biodiversity area of Vlora Bay – Karaburun – Çika Mountain, Albania. Field Study Report under “Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline” Project (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 36 p.
  • Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., Dyulgerova, S., Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Topi, M., Lleshi, R. & Nikolov, S.C. (2016) State and Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna in Key Biodiversity Area of Butrint, Albania 2016. Technical report under the CEPF project Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 47 p.
  • Topi, M., Nikolov, S., Iankov, P., Stanneva, A., Saliaj, O., Arkumarver, V., Mumun, S. (2014) Vulture report for Albania 2014. Field Survey Report under “The Return of the Neophron“ LIFE Project. PPNEA & BSPB. 10 p.
  • Iankov, P., Stanneva, A., Ivanov, I., Nikolov., S (2014) Soaring bird migration along the Adriatic coastline of Albania Season 2014. Field Study Report Under “Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline” Project (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 22 p.



A. Stanneva, D. Gradinarov, I. Ivanov , O. Saliaj, P. Iankov, R. Georgieva, R. Lleshi, S. Mumun, V. Arkumarev, V. Mladenov, Y. Barzova

Other supporters

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) – Financed the field work for the majority of the data collected.

Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) – Contributed with fieldworkers that came in Albania for carrying out studies on the breeding birds in different areas.