National coordinators, data providers and other key supporters
National coordinators
Taulant Bino¹
Taulant Bino, e-mail:
Main data providers
Erald Xeka¹, Tibor Mikuška², Adrian Tomik², Stephan Ernst³, Mirjan Topi⁴
¹Abanian Ornithological Society, ²Croatian Society for Protection of Birds and Nature, ³Klingenthal, Germany, ⁴Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania
Other key supporters
H. Stark, R. Morgen, D. Horal, V. Škorpíková, T. Bělka

National data sources contributing to EBBA2
- Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., Dyulgerova, S., Topi, M., Lleshi, R. & Nikolov, S.C. (2016) State and Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna in Key Biodiversity Area of Narta Lagoon, Albania 2016. Technical report under the CEPF project Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 40 p.
- Dyulgerova, S., D. Gradinarov, Gerogieva, R., Iliev, M., Mladenov, V., Saliaj, O., Topi, M., Nikolov, S. (2016). Breeding and migrating avifauna in the key biodiversity area of Vlora Bay – Karaburun – Çika Mountain, Albania. Field Study Report under “Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline” Project (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 36 p.
- Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., Dyulgerova, S., Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Topi, M., Lleshi, R. & Nikolov, S.C. (2016) State and Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna in Key Biodiversity Area of Butrint, Albania 2016. Technical report under the CEPF project Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 47 p.
- Topi, M., Nikolov, S., Iankov, P., Stanneva, A., Saliaj, O., Arkumarver, V., Mumun, S. (2014) Vulture report for Albania 2014. Field Survey Report under “The Return of the Neophron“ LIFE Project. PPNEA & BSPB. 10 p.
- Iankov, P., Stanneva, A., Ivanov, I., Nikolov., S (2014) Soaring bird migration along the Adriatic coastline of Albania Season 2014. Field Study Report Under “Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline” Project (ID: 62721). BSPB & PPNEA. 22 p.
A. Stanneva, D. Gradinarov, I. Ivanov , O. Saliaj, P. Iankov, R. Georgieva, R. Lleshi, S. Mumun, V. Arkumarev, V. Mladenov, Y. Barzova
Other supporters
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) – Financed the field work for the majority of the data collected.
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) – Contributed with fieldworkers that came in Albania for carrying out studies on the breeding birds in different areas.