National coordinators, data providers and other key supporters
National coordinators
Tomasz Wilk¹, Tomasz Chodkiewicz¹ ²
Active national coordinator
Tomasz Wilk, e-mail: tomasz.wilk@otop.org.pl
Main data providers
Lechosław Kuczyński³
¹Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP), ²Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ³Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Other key supporters
J. Antczak, J. Betleja, M. Bocheński, T. Brauze, D. Cząstkiewicz, P. Czechowski, S. Czernek, A. Dmoch, P. Golasz, G. Grygoruk, S. Guentzel, T. Janiszewski, Z. Kajzer, W. Król, T. Królak, Ł. Ławicki, R. Maniarski, D. Marchowski, T. Mokwa, P. Obłoza, S. Rubacha, M. Rzępała, A. Sikora, B. Smyk, P. Stachyra, T. Tumiel, K. Walasz, P. Wilniewczyc, J. Wójciak, P. Wylegała

National data sources contributing to EBBA2
Program “Monitoring Ptaków Polski” [Polish Birds Monitoring Programme]
Kartoteki Regionalnych Towarzystw Ornitologicznych [Regional Ornithological Societies databases]
Link to the web pages of the national data sources
Monitoring Ptaków Polski https://monitoringptakow.gios.gov.pl/strona-glowna.html
Portal Ornitho www.ornitho.pl
Regional databases (only regions with on-line databases mentioned):
Małopolska region: https://www.iop.krakow.pl/dbPtak/
Śląsk http://ptakislaska.org/
Ziemia Świętokrzyska http://tbop.org.pl/
Lubelszczyzna http://www.lto.org.pl/
Kujawy http://ptakikujaw.pl/
Podlasie https://www.ornitho.pl/index.php?m_id=20012
Pomorze http://ptakipomorza.pl/atlas/
Warmia i Mazury http://ptakiwarmiiimazur.pl/
The data for EBBA2 from the territory of Poland has been obtained from multiple sources and observations of more than 1000 birdwatchers and ornithologists have been used for the publication. We cannot list all of them here, but we are sincerely grateful for their fieldwork effort and for sharing their observations with countrywide bird portals, like ornitho.pl but also with databases of regional ornithological socities.
Other supporters
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